• Things that suck about moving

    +Wrapping all your breakables in paper one by one

    +The last frantic walk through where you have to just throw together that one last box of things that you forgot to pack with everything else, or that you needed that day

    +Eating the leftovers in your fridge off of paper plates because you already packed up the kitchen

    +Needing to go through 4 different boxes to put together an outfit the day after the move

    +Having the movers tell you that you have a lot of stuff

    +Traumatizing the cats with the packing, the loud noises, and the new places full of new smells

    +Forgetting that you moved when you’re driving and automatically driving to your old place instead

    +Trying to fit all the stuff that perfectly fit in your old place into your new place even though it is rudely shaped very differently

One Responseso far.

  1. meghan says:

    Though there are some good things about moving. Like purging all old/broken/useless stuff. And figuring out where everything goes (which actually seems to be the last negative on your list). There are so many possibilities that it’s actually exciting. Don’t judge.

    Small detail: Where and why did you move?
