You got the song reference right?
In case you heard, we had two earthquakes today, both about 4.0, both actually centered in Berkeley, on the Hayward Fault. (Yes, for as great as it is to live here, I live 2 blocks off a major fault.)
One was actually centered at one of our residential complexes and the other was basically right underneath the football stadium – which is out of commission for two years to be renovated and wait for it…seismically retrofitted!
No injuries, no damage, but the cats are so far, not really enjoying it.
Update to answer your questions:
No, people did not freak out around here, as they did in VA. Generally, people stopped to look around for a second, and then continued about their day.
No, it didn’t seem like our cats behaved any differently leading up to the earthquake. I have also heard that sometimes animals act different, and their owners can be tipped off about what is about to happen, but I’m pretty sure our cats were asleep both times.
I’m guessing CA didn’t freak out as much as VA did back in August…
Glad to hear that everyone survived the rock and roll…wonder though, did my “furry grandkats” display any weird behavior prior to the quake? I have read thatsome furry creatures can “sense” these types of natural hazards. I can’t remember the time of day the quake occurred so you may not have had the opportunity to watch the kats. BTW, wonder if there is any connection between the small quake on the Big Island only the day before the one that you endured. Guess I need to speak with my earth scientists about that.
Stay safe.
I love you!
I love your new gusto towards writing more
makes me miss you two more but also feel closer to home (aka. Nor Cal).
Love to you both!