This story actually starts in April of this year, when Dave Matthews Band released their tour dates for this summer and fall. As many of you know, I’m a pretty devoted (read: crazy) fan, and go to at least one show a year. Since we’ve moved out here, Dan and I have seen them play […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.Holler, I’m finally getting around to posting (Franklin’s) pictures from Ben and Jess’s wedding, which was now about 5 weeks ago. The entire weekend was pretty gorgeous. Dan and I took the red eye to Albany on Thursday evening. I literally left the unit after training my RA staff since 10 AM, and went directly […]
Continue Reading... 2 Comments.The culmination of the Deep South Roadtrip was Brian and Christy’s wedding in Houston. Honestly, pretty much everyone who reads this blog was there but I thought Uncle Mike might enjoy seeing some fabulous photos. Plus, the roadtrip series needed a finale entry, don’t you think? I had the BEST time with you all in […]
Continue Reading... 3 Comments.New Orleans what? Right, so two months ago, we were in Louisiana. We did a lot in two days. You’ve seen the ninth ward photos, and the swamp boat tour, which were the highlights. Also, we ate a lot. There is SO MUCH GOOD FOOD in New Orleans. So, as a quick recap, we toured […]
Continue Reading... 2 Comments.Hellllooo??? Is anyone out there??? It’s been 17 days since our last writing. I feel like I need to visit a confessional for my sins of not writing lately. If you haven’t noticed, KK does most of the writing, but as she’s been overloaded with training for the past 2 weeks, so now is my […]
Continue Reading... 5 Comments.So we arrived in New Orleans on Tuesday, and did a whole bunch of fun things before we went on this Katrina driving tour on Wednesday. But, I’ll post about those later. I figured we’d start with the heavy stuff and then talk about the restaurants and whatnot. The reverse somehow doesn’t feel appropriate. I […]
Continue Reading... 4 Comments.Picking up from last time, after we left Montgomery, we drove south to Mobile, straight to a hotel. Monday’s drive = About 9 hours, about 525 miles. We had volunteered to take all the leftover booze from the Savannah rental house, because we were driving right to Houston for another weekend of partying, which made […]
Continue Reading... 4 Comments.We left Savannah both celebrating our awesomeness for helping pull of such a great surprise, and also coughing, complaining and wishing for antibiotics. Well, that second part was just me. I had fully succumbed by Monday morning to Jess’s death cough and fever, and Dan had woken up feeling just great! Of course. On the […]
Continue Reading... 5 Comments.Stop One on the roadtrip was Savannah for Ben and Jess’s surprise bachelor/bachelorette party. As I mentioned in the last post, Carrie and Brian had planned most of it – we rented a vacation house for the weekend, and basically partied it up. The house was supposed to sleep 7 people, and we had…18. And […]
Continue Reading... 2 Comments.So, the roadtrip evolved out of two separate events that happened to be one week apart in very different areas of the country, and also about as far as possible from where we live. Carrie, the maid of honor in Ben and Jess’s wedding, and Brian Baum, the best man, who many of us have […]
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