I know how disappointed you are that you came to the blog and there is not part 4 of the 2-months-late-new-orleans-photo-essay. This is mostly because I have no more photos. For Valentines Day this year, Dan bought me a new computer (awwwwwww). Then last week in the middle of looking up a recipe online, I […]
Continue Reading... 5 Comments.Jazz Fest, Day One! Do not mind the ominous rain clouds. It never rained, and it was never unspeakably hot because it wasn’t sunny either. Best weather we had. If only we had known what was to come… Schedule for Thursday. There was A LOT going on. Crowds on Day One (Thursday). Notice how you […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.So yes, Dan and I have moved. We are at the same university, and I am in the same job. I am now working in a different residential unit. As my job is a ‘live-in’ position, working in a different unit requires moving as well. We are just under two weeks of living in our […]
Continue Reading... 3 Comments.Back in November, we showed you a bit of our day to day life. I was planning to just update with a relevant photo, but then I realized this how reflective it was of our life week to week. I hardly think of our life and work as anything but routine. However, recently we’ve intentionally […]
Continue Reading... 3 Comments.I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I made some cupcakes 2 weekends ago, which I realized later was the 4th new kind of cupcake I had made. So, this past weekend had to include cupcakes so I could finish up this goal. Clearly. That makes sense to you, right? Of course it does, […]
Continue Reading... 2 Comments.Today was a super productive day. Feeling really good about it. I’ve been in PJs and sweats…all day. We did not leave the house. We cleaned, did laundry, organized, folded laundry, unpacked (since we got home last Tuesday) and other random house type chores, which I normally dread, but today made me feel incredibly accomplished. […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.Since I last wrote, we’ve been to the East Coast and back. Some travel commentary: Our flight from San Francisco to Dulles took FOUR HOURS. I am not making this up. They told us it would take 4.5, which seemed ludicrously short even then, but it took just a couple of minutes over four. Doesn’t […]
Continue Reading... 2 Comments.Everytime we go pick up our CSA box, we get a newsletter along with it. It tells us what is in our box for that week, what the vegetables are, how to store them, and some recipes for how to use them (which has been handy). The second time we picked up our load of […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Go berry picking (#11)We have been making a big effort to transition our entire kitchen from plastic to mostly stainless steel and glass. It took awhile to complete it because every time I thought we were done, we noticed something else was plastic. First we replaced all our mixing bowls and storage containers with Pyrex bowls and food […]
Continue Reading... 3 Comments.In the last year, I’ve learned how much I melt over a well crafted soup. There’s soup and then there’s soup! I can strangely relate to the passion the Soup Nazi put into his creations on Seinfeld. I can distinctly recall some of the most flavorful and perfectly concocted soups I’ve had recently (and for […]
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