• All work and Play

    I avoid talking shop here because, frankly, I don’t think it’s really interesting news to share. But I realize nobody will know what I’m up to day-to-day unless I actually talk about it. I’ve been working with a nice marketing agency as their senior account executive. Your guess is as good as mine as to what that actually means! Thus far it means managing non-traditional marketing agendas for Jamba Juice, Nike, YouTube, Google, Peet’s Coffee, and a couple others snuck in there as well. I went to Jamba’s headquarters the other day… if you haven’t heard of Jamba Juice, they make fresh fruit smoothies. Anyway, they have the workings of a store basically setup in their lobby and I got to make my own smoothie. At this point, I should emphasize my deep love of slushies and smoothies, so this was extremely exciting to me! Considering I was there for a really important business meeting, you can imagine the internal struggle not to jump up and down like a little kid in a candy store… scratch that… fruit smoothie store. I made a delicious mix of fresh Pomegranate Juice, Peaches, Mangos, Strawberries, and Blueberries… Yummmmm

    In actual fun, we went to see R.E.M. in concert last night. And by “went to see” I mean we went to our friend’s apartment right next to the concert, could hear everything, and could actually see the stage. If only all concerts came equipped with leather couches and chocolate covered strawberries!

    Tonight we head to the opera.

    Happy June people.

One Responseso far.

  1. meghan says:

    A job you seem to enjoy… concerts… opera… AND smoothies?? Sounds like fun!
